just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

December 12, 2009


Here are just a few little conversation tidbits from this evening. We were definitely not all on the same page today.

Treven: Are you going out tonight?
Me: Well, I really want to because I have really great hair today.
Treven: Uh...what?
Me: Well I went to the salon today, so I have really nice hair. And I don't want to waste it on a night at home sleeping. I've got to show it off!
Treven: Huh...makes sense...
Stephen: I feel like this conversation usually goes like this. "Are you going out tonight?" "Yeah, I really want to drink." "Okay, cool."
Me: Welcome to living with a girl.

Me: I went shopping today.
Stephen: When's the last time you didn't go shopping?
Me: Uhhhh....I don't remember.
Stephen: Exactly.

Me: So I had to get up early to shower before my hair appointment this morning...
Stephen: Wait, don't they like, wash your hair there?
Me: Well yeah, but I always have really amazing hair when I leave the salon, so I shower right before I go so I can prolong the amazingness before I need to shower again. It makes total sense!
Stephen and Trevor: Oh...right...definitely...

December 9, 2009

Tips for Living with 3 Guys

I cannot tell you how many people ask me how I manage to live with guys. Whenever I tell someone about my living arrangement, I receive a blank stare followed by an astounded, "Oh my gosh, how???"

So I've compiled a little list of tips for peaceful cohabitation:

1. Accept that they're guys.
Guys make obscene noises, they drool over Victoria's Secret catalogs, and they watch a lot of ESPN. But God love them, that's just who they are. Try to be understanding of their quirks and they'll be less likely to make fun of your extensive hair care rituals and overflowing shoe collections.

2. You are their roommate, not their maid.
Although you may feel pressured to clean up after them, resist the temptation. They might not always clean up their messes right away, but they'll get to it eventually. Constantly cleaning up after them will only make them take advantage of your cleaning habits in the future.

3. Do not hook up with them!
I hope that this goes without saying, but this is a very important rule. Hooking up with roommates is never a good idea. Even if you think it won't be weird between the two of you, chances are it will be weird for the rest of your roommates. The best relationship you can have with them is a brother-sister relationship. Absolutely no hooking up!

4. Be considerate.
Guys do not want to watch chick flicks 24-7. They don't want to watch Bravo or TLC or really much of anything other than ESPN and the occasional comedy. If you really need your girly television and movie fix, I suggest having your own TV. They won't mind letting you indulge in a chick flick from time to time, but don't make it a habit.

5. Make your room a girl oasis.
Whenever I'm feeling burnt out on all the dude-ness in the apartment, I retreat to my room. First of all, it's pink and bright yellow and covered in flowers and my favorite art prints. I'm not an extremely girly type of girl, but my room makes me happy and relaxed. It's testosterone free. I turn on Bravo or a chick flick or listen to some girly pop music. The best part is that my room is the furthest away from the rest of the living area. I can completely shut out the testosterone-infested apartment and just relax.

6. Have your own bathroom.
Guys are notorious for having poor cleaning habits when it comes to bathrooms. Not to mention they always leave the seat up. If possible, try to have your own bathroom. It will be much easier for you to share everything else in the apartment if you know that you can have a clean bathroom with all of your hair and makeup products spread out. I share a bathroom with my brother, mainly because I don't feel badly when I yell at him about being a slob. I've been yelling at him for years, so he's used to it.

So that's my list. It's a working list, so it's definitely bound to change as this year goes on.

What are your tips for living with guys, or just difficult roommates in general? Any good horror stories? I'd love to compare!

December 7, 2009

Just some random ruminations.

I was telling Stephen today about my dream wedding dress. It's a mere $18,000 worth of Vera Wang lace, tulle, and pure magic.

His response? "You'll make a really good first wife someday."

In other news, I keep obsessively checking the NFL app on my phone to keep track of the Packer game. I'm not sure what sort of manic obsession has taken me over, but I can't stop it.

I met Stephen's mom the other day. It was going really well until she walked over to our impressive collection of alcoholic beverages and she sighed and said, "Ugh, what a waste of money!"

I was going to tell her that my parents had paid for some of it, but I didn't think that would really help the situation.

Is there really anything worse than wanting chocolate and then realizing that you don't have any in the house? I seriously doubt it.

December 3, 2009

Coffee Making Morphs into a Discussion on Stereotypes

I made coffee this morning.

This is kind of a big deal, because it's only about the 3rd time all semester that I've actually gotten my butt out of bed early enough to make coffee.

I feel a little guilty, because before I moved in I had all of these grand schemes about making the boys coffee every morning and having baked goods on hand at all times. This would probably be the case if I wasn't busy with school and work. The guys haven't been opening any pickle jars or grilling things for me, so I guess I can't feel too guilty about not adhering to my female stereotypes.

This brings me to the ideas of female and male stereotypes. I would definitely consider myself a "modern" woman. I know enough about cars to get by. I work and plan on having my own career in the future. And I love baseball a little more than the average person.

This being said, I still enjoy performing tasks set to me by my membership in the female half of the world. I love to cook and bake. I don't mind cleaning. There are times when I really just want to have kids and be a housewife. In reality, I'm not sure child-rearing and cooking would ever be enough to keep me occupied and happy with my life, but sometimes it seems like an ideal situation.

So when Stephen and Treven are being funny and tell me to make them a sandwich and get them a beer, I don't take it personally. I can always turn the tables and use my status as a female to get them to kill a spider or carry heavy things for me because I'm a defenseless girl.

What's your stance on the subject? Are you a die-hard feminist? Are you a guy who hates being stereotyped as the breadwinning, spider-killing, patio-grilling man of the house? Let's debate!

November 30, 2009

No. This is a spoon. We don't even OWN a ladle.

Just got into a debate with Treven and Stephen about the difference between a spoon and a ladle. I pulled out a big serving spoon and they insisted it was a ladle. Finally they ended the argument by saying that a ladle is "something that women cook with."


Here's another interesting moment: I checked the mail today and there was a Victoria's Secret catalog in the mailbox. I assumed it was for me, since I'm the only person in the apartment who actually shops there. I flipped it over, and it was addressed to my roommate, Treven. Wonders never cease.

The boys left for the Bucks game (well, I call it the Bucks game, they keep calling it the Bulls game. Silly Illinois people.) so I have the apartment (and the TV) all to myself. Time for Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. =)

Black Friday: not just for crazy women?

Stephen brought a Christmas tree (fake of course) to the apartment yesterday. I got home from work this afternoon and he was decked out in an argyle sweater, listening to pop and alternative Christmas music, and decorate the tree with a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm. I felt festive, so I donned a green sweater and sang along with the tunes. It was cute.

I didn't partake in the decorations, but I may have to fix the tree later when Stephen is gone. He only decorated the front half of the tree, and from the kitchen you can see its ornament-deficient parts. Poor thing.

This Christmas bug that has caught our apartment reminds me of the Black Friday madness that ensues after Thanksgiving every year. Personally, I avoid this insanity like the plague. I would rather pay full price than have to wake up at three in the morning for sales. I previously made the assumption that most men would agree with me on my anti-Black Friday attitude, and I was surprised to find out just how many guys join this craze every year.

What's your stance? Do you hit the shops on Black Friday or stay in for a lazy day of leftover turkey sandwiches? Do you think the deals are worth the stress and insanity?

November 25, 2009

Snow and a Cat in the Washing Machine

This post has absolutely nothing to do with my roommates. In fact, I will not be seeing them until Sunday, so I'll have to amuse myself in some other way.

Today my mom was doing laundry and accidentally started the washer with my cat inside. I have two cats, and they both love to jump into the dryer, probably because it's warm. They have never jumped into the washer before, mostly because it's dark, damp, and cold inside. Not very appealing, right? So my mom started the washer and started hearing this yowling coming from it. She opened the door, water and soap poured out, and my cat flew out of the washer and hid God knows where.

My cat is fine though. My mom found her and dried her off. She's very soft and fluffy now.

In other news. It is currently snowing.

I am not a happy camper.

I remember when I used to like snow. I loved watching it fall and loved running around in it. Now I have to trudge a couple of miles a day in this God forsaken weather, and I love it a lot less. There's nothing worse than trying to walk to class without slipping, or shoveling your car out of your parking spot.

Oddly enough, I'm only a Scrooge when I'm in Milwaukee. When I'm visiting my parents it can snow all the time. Mostly because I know that my dad will shovel the driveway and unearth my car for me. Responsibility makes me cranky.

November 24, 2009

Celebrity Gossip Incites a Riot

Do you see a pattern forming here?

I managed to piss off Stephan again. I may have done it just to get a rise out of him, but I refuse to admit to anything outright.

I was updating the guys on the latest in celebrity gossip. I know they couldn't care less, but I listen to their sports rambling all the time. I figure it's only fair that they listen to the things that interest me.

After my 5th celebrity update, Stephen lost it and asked me if I really care about all of this stuff.

I replied simply by saying that I do, in fact, care about celebrities. I find them entertaining and a nice escape from my own life.

Stephen got angry and said that it's all stupid because they contribute nothing to society.

I promptly replied with what I thought was a very valid question. "What do football players contribute to society?"

This was met with sputtered indignation and an outraged claim that football has nothing to do with this.

We ended up laughing about the situation and agreeing to disagree. Treven kept out of it for the most part, preferring rather to laugh at our ridiculous banter than get thrown into the mix.

November 23, 2009

This blog may be taking over my life.

Whoops, I'm starting to call my roommates Stephen and Treven instead of their actual names.

It's entertaining, because they just stare at me like I'm nuts when I explain why I can no longer remember what I'm supposed to call them.

Oh well. At least I'm amusing.

Susan Boyle Incites a Riot

Yesterday, Stephen and I were watching TV and a commercial for something came on. It kept showing random music artists, and then showed Susan Boyle.

I have never seen anyone get so upset about something so inconsequential before.

Stephen flipped out and started yelling at the TV.

"Oh my god, who is this chick? What is WRONG with America! I've never even heard of this stupid woman!!!"

I just stared at him for a bit, completely perplexed. I tried to explain who Susan Boyle was, and why people like her, but he could not grasp it in the least.

Just to see what would happen, I brought up Susan Boyle today. As expected, Stephen flipped again. I told him he needed to calm down and he said, "Kayla, don't tell me how to feel!!"

I will never completely understand men.

November 21, 2009

End of the ESPN Crisis & A Night Alone

Whew! ESPN is back on.

I received the news this afternoon with the following text from Stephen:

"Espn is back! Consider your life awful again lol"

So sweet of him to keep me posted!

In other news, the guys are at the Marquette basketball game right now, and my brother is home for his Thanksgiving break. I am blissfully alone and watching chick flicks on our lovely flat screen. I'm sprawled out on the couch in my pj's and I have freshly painted pale pink nails. I'm considering taking a bath to unwind further.

It's amazing how I love these quiet nights at home. I am definitely a people person. I'm not sure that I would ever be happy living alone. But every once in awhile I just need some alone time to sing to my Britney Spears playlist and dance around like a fool.

The sink is full of dishes, there are crumbs on the counter, and the garbage needs to be taken out.

It can wait 'til tomorrow. I'm on vacation for the night.

November 20, 2009


We haven't had cable, and thus have not had ESPN in about 20 hours.

My roommates are NOT taking this well.

I've never seen withdrawal first hand, and this is pretty scary.

Thank God for DVR, they're watching episodes of Man vs. Food to hold them over until this ESPN blackout is over.

I'll keep you updated on any developments.

November 18, 2009

We're having a moment.

Times like these remind me why I love living with these boys.

We're all sitting around the television, watching Glee, and we are completely riveted.

This brings back memories of my freshman year when 20 people, girls and guys, would cram into my dorm to watch Grey's Anatomy. One would think that with that many people, there would have been interruptions that would make watching television impossible. But everyone sat in silence until the commercials when we would talk excitedly about what new antics the cast was getting into.

It's moments like these that I'm really going to miss when college is over.

First Aid Fiasco

I had a very humorous moment with one of my roommates on Monday. At the time I wanted to kill him, but it's very funny now.

I was trying to cut sweet potatoes, but the sharpest knife we have was not cutting it (pun intended). The knife slipped and I cut my finger pretty badly. I immediately freaked out and started running it under water.

I managed to get my phone and call my mom.

Side note: Have you ever noticed that when you're sick or hurt your first reaction is to call your mom? My mom lives a good hour away from me, so she obviously couldn't do a damn thing about my injury, but she's still the first person I called.

Anyway, my mom told me to call someone else because I was home alone and obviously needed help. I was about to call my roommate Stephan when he walked through the door.

Now of my two roommates, Treven is majoring in nursing and Stephan is majoring in Spanish education. Of course, Treven had left about 5 minutes before this happened. So, in walks poor Stephan who is largely clueless about first aid.

I immediately yelled, "Oh my God you're here! Help! I cut myself really badly!"

Stephan looked like he would very much like to turn around and leave the apartment again, but he must have realized I was about to pass out and couldn't be left alone. He kept his distance and went to get band aids. He spilled the entire box of them out on the counter, told me to take a shot of whiskey, and stayed as far away from my wound as possible.

I would have thrown something at him if I had had the presence of mind. Fortunately for him, I was distracted by my injury. He did redeem himself slightly when he asked if I was okay to drive to pick my brother up from class.

Once I was calm, we all laughed about it, but I really hope I never do that again unless Treven is there. I really would have thought that a guy would be more comfortable with a little gore. My brother was always injuring himself when he was a kid, and he would just rub dirt on it and keep going.

This is why I've changed my roommates' names. Wouldn't want to embarrass anyone!

November 16, 2009

"Hey, you're a girl!"

I realized today that I have made myself an important fixture in my roommates' lives.

Whenever they have a question about "domestic" matters, such as cooking or cleaning, my advice is solicited. Of course, I don't mind answering their questions. I know that the favor will inevitably be returned the next time I can't reach something on a high shelf or need a pickle jar opened.

What bothers me is the statement that precedes the domestic questions. This is how it goes:

Roommate: [looks with puzzlement at domestic item/problem, looks around, spots me and then looks at me as if he's never seen me before] "Hey! You're a girl!"
Me:"Yes. Yes, I am."
Roommate: "How do I...[insert random domestic situation here]?"
Me: "Did you seriously forget that I'm a girl?"
Roommate: "Uh..yeah? So?"

I try very hard not to be insulted by these occurrences, but come on! I do not look like, act like, or smell like a guy. My room has more pink than Barbie's dream house!