I returned in all my glory to my apartment on Sunday. By glory, I mean 2 suitcases, a hamper, a tote, a laundry basket, and a duffle bag full of clothes, shoes, and accessories. Boy, do I know how to shop.
For the 2 weeks prior to my return, my brother and Treven had been the only ones at the apartment, with the occasional cameo from Stephen. Evidently, my presence is the only thing that prevents the apartment from getting that distinctive guy smell. You know the smell. It's the one that permeates a room when 5 guys are passed out from a night of drinking. It's completely indescribable, but oh so recognizable.
This smell was the first thing I noticed when I walked through the door.
Now, I don't walk around the apartment spraying air freshener all the time. And it doesn't smell boy-like when I get back after being gone all day. So I really have no idea what happened. Maybe my very presence is really all that keeps the stench at bay.
There was also a stench of garbage, but that was completely due to laziness and a refusal to take out the trash in a timely manner.
Ah, boys.
I know this was an odd and off the wall post, but I've been curious about that smell for awhile. Do guys notice it too? Was I just used to it after a semester? Has anyone that has been to my apartment before noticed a smell? I'm going to be much more prone to air freshener-spraying now I think.
Hopefully now that class has started, the gentlemen of my apartment will do some crazy stuff that I can blog about, other than simply smelling like boys.