just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

December 3, 2009

Coffee Making Morphs into a Discussion on Stereotypes

I made coffee this morning.

This is kind of a big deal, because it's only about the 3rd time all semester that I've actually gotten my butt out of bed early enough to make coffee.

I feel a little guilty, because before I moved in I had all of these grand schemes about making the boys coffee every morning and having baked goods on hand at all times. This would probably be the case if I wasn't busy with school and work. The guys haven't been opening any pickle jars or grilling things for me, so I guess I can't feel too guilty about not adhering to my female stereotypes.

This brings me to the ideas of female and male stereotypes. I would definitely consider myself a "modern" woman. I know enough about cars to get by. I work and plan on having my own career in the future. And I love baseball a little more than the average person.

This being said, I still enjoy performing tasks set to me by my membership in the female half of the world. I love to cook and bake. I don't mind cleaning. There are times when I really just want to have kids and be a housewife. In reality, I'm not sure child-rearing and cooking would ever be enough to keep me occupied and happy with my life, but sometimes it seems like an ideal situation.

So when Stephen and Treven are being funny and tell me to make them a sandwich and get them a beer, I don't take it personally. I can always turn the tables and use my status as a female to get them to kill a spider or carry heavy things for me because I'm a defenseless girl.

What's your stance on the subject? Are you a die-hard feminist? Are you a guy who hates being stereotyped as the breadwinning, spider-killing, patio-grilling man of the house? Let's debate!

November 30, 2009

No. This is a spoon. We don't even OWN a ladle.

Just got into a debate with Treven and Stephen about the difference between a spoon and a ladle. I pulled out a big serving spoon and they insisted it was a ladle. Finally they ended the argument by saying that a ladle is "something that women cook with."


Here's another interesting moment: I checked the mail today and there was a Victoria's Secret catalog in the mailbox. I assumed it was for me, since I'm the only person in the apartment who actually shops there. I flipped it over, and it was addressed to my roommate, Treven. Wonders never cease.

The boys left for the Bucks game (well, I call it the Bucks game, they keep calling it the Bulls game. Silly Illinois people.) so I have the apartment (and the TV) all to myself. Time for Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. =)

Black Friday: not just for crazy women?

Stephen brought a Christmas tree (fake of course) to the apartment yesterday. I got home from work this afternoon and he was decked out in an argyle sweater, listening to pop and alternative Christmas music, and decorate the tree with a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm. I felt festive, so I donned a green sweater and sang along with the tunes. It was cute.

I didn't partake in the decorations, but I may have to fix the tree later when Stephen is gone. He only decorated the front half of the tree, and from the kitchen you can see its ornament-deficient parts. Poor thing.

This Christmas bug that has caught our apartment reminds me of the Black Friday madness that ensues after Thanksgiving every year. Personally, I avoid this insanity like the plague. I would rather pay full price than have to wake up at three in the morning for sales. I previously made the assumption that most men would agree with me on my anti-Black Friday attitude, and I was surprised to find out just how many guys join this craze every year.

What's your stance? Do you hit the shops on Black Friday or stay in for a lazy day of leftover turkey sandwiches? Do you think the deals are worth the stress and insanity?