just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

November 25, 2009

Snow and a Cat in the Washing Machine

This post has absolutely nothing to do with my roommates. In fact, I will not be seeing them until Sunday, so I'll have to amuse myself in some other way.

Today my mom was doing laundry and accidentally started the washer with my cat inside. I have two cats, and they both love to jump into the dryer, probably because it's warm. They have never jumped into the washer before, mostly because it's dark, damp, and cold inside. Not very appealing, right? So my mom started the washer and started hearing this yowling coming from it. She opened the door, water and soap poured out, and my cat flew out of the washer and hid God knows where.

My cat is fine though. My mom found her and dried her off. She's very soft and fluffy now.

In other news. It is currently snowing.

I am not a happy camper.

I remember when I used to like snow. I loved watching it fall and loved running around in it. Now I have to trudge a couple of miles a day in this God forsaken weather, and I love it a lot less. There's nothing worse than trying to walk to class without slipping, or shoveling your car out of your parking spot.

Oddly enough, I'm only a Scrooge when I'm in Milwaukee. When I'm visiting my parents it can snow all the time. Mostly because I know that my dad will shovel the driveway and unearth my car for me. Responsibility makes me cranky.

November 24, 2009

Celebrity Gossip Incites a Riot

Do you see a pattern forming here?

I managed to piss off Stephan again. I may have done it just to get a rise out of him, but I refuse to admit to anything outright.

I was updating the guys on the latest in celebrity gossip. I know they couldn't care less, but I listen to their sports rambling all the time. I figure it's only fair that they listen to the things that interest me.

After my 5th celebrity update, Stephen lost it and asked me if I really care about all of this stuff.

I replied simply by saying that I do, in fact, care about celebrities. I find them entertaining and a nice escape from my own life.

Stephen got angry and said that it's all stupid because they contribute nothing to society.

I promptly replied with what I thought was a very valid question. "What do football players contribute to society?"

This was met with sputtered indignation and an outraged claim that football has nothing to do with this.

We ended up laughing about the situation and agreeing to disagree. Treven kept out of it for the most part, preferring rather to laugh at our ridiculous banter than get thrown into the mix.

November 23, 2009

This blog may be taking over my life.

Whoops, I'm starting to call my roommates Stephen and Treven instead of their actual names.

It's entertaining, because they just stare at me like I'm nuts when I explain why I can no longer remember what I'm supposed to call them.

Oh well. At least I'm amusing.

Susan Boyle Incites a Riot

Yesterday, Stephen and I were watching TV and a commercial for something came on. It kept showing random music artists, and then showed Susan Boyle.

I have never seen anyone get so upset about something so inconsequential before.

Stephen flipped out and started yelling at the TV.

"Oh my god, who is this chick? What is WRONG with America! I've never even heard of this stupid woman!!!"

I just stared at him for a bit, completely perplexed. I tried to explain who Susan Boyle was, and why people like her, but he could not grasp it in the least.

Just to see what would happen, I brought up Susan Boyle today. As expected, Stephen flipped again. I told him he needed to calm down and he said, "Kayla, don't tell me how to feel!!"

I will never completely understand men.