just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

December 7, 2009

Just some random ruminations.

I was telling Stephen today about my dream wedding dress. It's a mere $18,000 worth of Vera Wang lace, tulle, and pure magic.

His response? "You'll make a really good first wife someday."

In other news, I keep obsessively checking the NFL app on my phone to keep track of the Packer game. I'm not sure what sort of manic obsession has taken me over, but I can't stop it.

I met Stephen's mom the other day. It was going really well until she walked over to our impressive collection of alcoholic beverages and she sighed and said, "Ugh, what a waste of money!"

I was going to tell her that my parents had paid for some of it, but I didn't think that would really help the situation.

Is there really anything worse than wanting chocolate and then realizing that you don't have any in the house? I seriously doubt it.

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