just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

November 16, 2009

"Hey, you're a girl!"

I realized today that I have made myself an important fixture in my roommates' lives.

Whenever they have a question about "domestic" matters, such as cooking or cleaning, my advice is solicited. Of course, I don't mind answering their questions. I know that the favor will inevitably be returned the next time I can't reach something on a high shelf or need a pickle jar opened.

What bothers me is the statement that precedes the domestic questions. This is how it goes:

Roommate: [looks with puzzlement at domestic item/problem, looks around, spots me and then looks at me as if he's never seen me before] "Hey! You're a girl!"
Me:"Yes. Yes, I am."
Roommate: "How do I...[insert random domestic situation here]?"
Me: "Did you seriously forget that I'm a girl?"
Roommate: "Uh..yeah? So?"

I try very hard not to be insulted by these occurrences, but come on! I do not look like, act like, or smell like a guy. My room has more pink than Barbie's dream house!

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