just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

November 21, 2009

End of the ESPN Crisis & A Night Alone

Whew! ESPN is back on.

I received the news this afternoon with the following text from Stephen:

"Espn is back! Consider your life awful again lol"

So sweet of him to keep me posted!

In other news, the guys are at the Marquette basketball game right now, and my brother is home for his Thanksgiving break. I am blissfully alone and watching chick flicks on our lovely flat screen. I'm sprawled out on the couch in my pj's and I have freshly painted pale pink nails. I'm considering taking a bath to unwind further.

It's amazing how I love these quiet nights at home. I am definitely a people person. I'm not sure that I would ever be happy living alone. But every once in awhile I just need some alone time to sing to my Britney Spears playlist and dance around like a fool.

The sink is full of dishes, there are crumbs on the counter, and the garbage needs to be taken out.

It can wait 'til tomorrow. I'm on vacation for the night.

November 20, 2009


We haven't had cable, and thus have not had ESPN in about 20 hours.

My roommates are NOT taking this well.

I've never seen withdrawal first hand, and this is pretty scary.

Thank God for DVR, they're watching episodes of Man vs. Food to hold them over until this ESPN blackout is over.

I'll keep you updated on any developments.

November 18, 2009

We're having a moment.

Times like these remind me why I love living with these boys.

We're all sitting around the television, watching Glee, and we are completely riveted.

This brings back memories of my freshman year when 20 people, girls and guys, would cram into my dorm to watch Grey's Anatomy. One would think that with that many people, there would have been interruptions that would make watching television impossible. But everyone sat in silence until the commercials when we would talk excitedly about what new antics the cast was getting into.

It's moments like these that I'm really going to miss when college is over.

First Aid Fiasco

I had a very humorous moment with one of my roommates on Monday. At the time I wanted to kill him, but it's very funny now.

I was trying to cut sweet potatoes, but the sharpest knife we have was not cutting it (pun intended). The knife slipped and I cut my finger pretty badly. I immediately freaked out and started running it under water.

I managed to get my phone and call my mom.

Side note: Have you ever noticed that when you're sick or hurt your first reaction is to call your mom? My mom lives a good hour away from me, so she obviously couldn't do a damn thing about my injury, but she's still the first person I called.

Anyway, my mom told me to call someone else because I was home alone and obviously needed help. I was about to call my roommate Stephan when he walked through the door.

Now of my two roommates, Treven is majoring in nursing and Stephan is majoring in Spanish education. Of course, Treven had left about 5 minutes before this happened. So, in walks poor Stephan who is largely clueless about first aid.

I immediately yelled, "Oh my God you're here! Help! I cut myself really badly!"

Stephan looked like he would very much like to turn around and leave the apartment again, but he must have realized I was about to pass out and couldn't be left alone. He kept his distance and went to get band aids. He spilled the entire box of them out on the counter, told me to take a shot of whiskey, and stayed as far away from my wound as possible.

I would have thrown something at him if I had had the presence of mind. Fortunately for him, I was distracted by my injury. He did redeem himself slightly when he asked if I was okay to drive to pick my brother up from class.

Once I was calm, we all laughed about it, but I really hope I never do that again unless Treven is there. I really would have thought that a guy would be more comfortable with a little gore. My brother was always injuring himself when he was a kid, and he would just rub dirt on it and keep going.

This is why I've changed my roommates' names. Wouldn't want to embarrass anyone!

November 16, 2009

"Hey, you're a girl!"

I realized today that I have made myself an important fixture in my roommates' lives.

Whenever they have a question about "domestic" matters, such as cooking or cleaning, my advice is solicited. Of course, I don't mind answering their questions. I know that the favor will inevitably be returned the next time I can't reach something on a high shelf or need a pickle jar opened.

What bothers me is the statement that precedes the domestic questions. This is how it goes:

Roommate: [looks with puzzlement at domestic item/problem, looks around, spots me and then looks at me as if he's never seen me before] "Hey! You're a girl!"
Me:"Yes. Yes, I am."
Roommate: "How do I...[insert random domestic situation here]?"
Me: "Did you seriously forget that I'm a girl?"
Roommate: "Uh..yeah? So?"

I try very hard not to be insulted by these occurrences, but come on! I do not look like, act like, or smell like a guy. My room has more pink than Barbie's dream house!