just a small town girl,
living in an ESPN-obsessed world

i've always gotten along better with guys,
but living with them is a whole new challenge.

it's ESPN, beer, and guy talk 24-7.

i'm just trying to hold onto my Gossip Girl, lip gloss, and heels.

November 30, 2009

No. This is a spoon. We don't even OWN a ladle.

Just got into a debate with Treven and Stephen about the difference between a spoon and a ladle. I pulled out a big serving spoon and they insisted it was a ladle. Finally they ended the argument by saying that a ladle is "something that women cook with."


Here's another interesting moment: I checked the mail today and there was a Victoria's Secret catalog in the mailbox. I assumed it was for me, since I'm the only person in the apartment who actually shops there. I flipped it over, and it was addressed to my roommate, Treven. Wonders never cease.

The boys left for the Bucks game (well, I call it the Bucks game, they keep calling it the Bulls game. Silly Illinois people.) so I have the apartment (and the TV) all to myself. Time for Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. =)

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